Friday, May 25, 2012

Singapore river at night

新加坡河在夜幕时分,格外显得耀眼夺目,围绕著河边的各式高楼大厦,在夜里亮着点点各色的灯,各式店铺招牌霓虹闪烁,在河面反映成斑斓璀璨。河边的白色鱼尾狮更是被照耀得光芒四射。 在远处观望,宁静的四周,仿佛被这不甘寂寞的光彩,搞得喧闹起来。

In the night hours,Singapore river is especially dazzling, the different colors lights from high-rise buildings around the river,  flashing neon lights from all kinds of shop signs, project onto the river and turn into bright gorgeous twisting reflections, the white merlion on the riverside seems to be radiant surrounded by all these lights.Watching the scene from far, the quiet surrounding seems to be excited by these restless splendors.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Fabulous vibrant abstract first image Wilf, and blissful reflections in the second. Nice work.

wilf said...
